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Asia's Channel News Cast

Interview with Zoey from Bracelets Heaven and Laila from Arts and Crafts City

I’m back with another interview at The Blooming Business Fest this month. @bloomingbusinessfest. This interview is with Zoey from Bracelets Heaven and Laila from Arts and Crafts City. Check out these two kidpreneurs and their business. They will be discussing their business and more. Make sure to like and comment on this video, subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow me on social media @asiaschannel. Click the link in the bio for all my websites. @asiaschannel @asiaschannelnews #asiaschannel #asiaschannelnewscast #newsforkids #newsfromakid #newscaster

Jodi Viera with Longevity Life and Medical

Check out my interview with Jodi from Longevity Life and Medical at @bloomingbusinessfest last weekend. She has so much to offer our community. Follow her @jodicakes01 and be sure to support Longevity Life And Medical. Full interview available on YouTube. Click the link in the bio. Make sure to follow me @asiaschannelnews @asiaschannel and subscribe to my YouTube/@asiaschannel for my weekly newscast and interviews. 

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